The Chris Burns Show

So... The Healthcare Fight is Far From Over

Episode Summary

Trump's tweet hours after the vote of the "Skinny Repeal" would say it is not. How does this all impact you and what options do you have to find a good healthcare plan for your family?

Episode Notes

Is the healthcare conversation over?

Trump's tweet hours after the vote of the "Skinny Repeal" would say it is not...

3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2017

Trump believes that if we let the system fail, change will emerge. But, what role could Trump and the executive branch play in helping it fall apart?


Listen to how this all impacts you and what options you have to find a good healthcare plan for your family.



If you have the option to create flexibility now is the time to do it.


Insurance companies feel insecure and they're starting to pull back from health care exchanges. There is so much uncertainty. Not knowing what is coming next I highly recommend two options for you and your family:


1. Flex Spending Account

You can put money away for healthcare that is tax-free and you have to use it within the year. 


2. Health Savings Account

If you have a high deductible health plan and qualify, you put tax deductible money in for healthcare and it rolls over year over year.

It will keep building and you can invest it while you wait.

This is a great tax advantage and gives you money that keeps growing over time.


The instability is not over. You must prepare flexibility in your plan.



A Third Option: Medi-Share Was A Good Solution for My Family


Last week I shared about Medi-Share and why it was the best fit for my family.

After I shared the Medi-Share recommendation I had a client email me a story he saw on WSB. This is a big deal.


Here's what happened: A woman goes into the hospital with cancer. She shows her Medi-Share card. And the hospital tells her she is covered.


Now listen to her quote:

"I'm sitting there with a needle in my arm receiving chemo therapy, and they're telling us we are not going to be able to leave the hospital until we pay them $41,000 dollars."


Get this.

The hospital calls her in her patient room and tells her the opposite of what the said early. How out of touch with reality are these healthcare professionals?!?


Here's The Bigger Thing - What Does This Mean For Co-Ops



The hospital claimed Medi-Share was underpaying the hospital. But after research that was proved untrue. Medi-Share actually wired the funds that day to handle the situation. Can you imagine anyone else doing that?

There are a number of co-ops you can consider. And I think it's a great option to consider as a consumer. But, do your research. 

The narrative around co-ops is likely going to gain momentum and you need to explore what makes sense for you and your family.


If you have questions about your healthcare, your plan for flexibility, or general financial wisdom, I would love to sit down with you and talk about your specific situation. So much is changing and it can feel overwhelming.

Our team can help you live with less anxiety and stay on track to reach your goals for your life.


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